Year-Round Turf Wellness With Our Lincoln Lawn Care Company

All-Season Lawn Maintenance

Our specialized 6-step program, designed by our Lincoln lawn care company, Heartland Lawns, is tailored to meet the unique needs of local turf and weather patterns. Our local Lincoln lawn treatment services include:

  • A proactive double application of pre-emergent in spring, ensuring a strong defense against broadleaf weeds, crabgrass, and foxtail.
  • The use of a high-grade insecticide (Merit®) during July–August applications, effectively preventing grub-related issues.
  • The inclusion of natural organics in four of our six applications, delivering essential micronutrients to both the grass and soil.
  • The application of all treatments in granular form, performed by our certified and skilled technicians.
  • Rapid response to service calls, addressed within 24 hours and at no cost to you.
  • A commitment to customer satisfaction, guaranteeing all services and products offered by our Lincoln yard care company.

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The 6-Step Program Breakdown:

1: April–May:

Application of a robust granular fertilizer, enriched with natural organics, to stimulate early spring growth. Broadleaf weed control is also provided as needed.

2: May–June:

A dual application of pre-emergent combined with granular fertilizer, creating a solid barrier against broadleaf weeds, crabgrass, and foxtail. Plus, an insecticide targeting sod webworms and billbugs, along with broadleaf weed control.


Application of a balanced granular fertilizer with natural organics and slow-release nitrogen, ensuring sustained nourishment throughout the summer. Broadleaf weed control is also included.


Deployment of a premium granular insecticide (Merit®) for the control of white grubs and sod webworms. Coupled with a well-balanced, slow-release granular fertilizer and broadleaf weed control.


Use of a balanced granular fertilizer with natural organics and slow-release nitrogen. A thorough lawn inspection for white grub activity, with insecticide applied if necessary. Broadleaf weed control is also provided.


Application of a generous amount of granular fertilizer with natural organics, encouraging root development and winter food storage, as well as early spring growth. Broadleaf weed control as required.

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Proactive Fungicide Protection

Conditions such as afternoon and evening rainfall, mowing with a dull blade, infrequent mowing without bagging clippings, and hot, humid weather can foster fungal growth in your lawn. Certain turfgrass varieties are naturally more susceptible to fungal activity, even with proper maintenance. While some fungi cause only aesthetic issues, others can result in severe damage and lawn death. For this reason, our Lincoln yard and lawn care company recommends our Preventative Fungicide Program.

Our program involves four applications of both contact and systemic fungicides. Our local Lincoln lawn treatment services apply these fungicides at a preventative rate, strategically timed throughout the fungus season. These treatments, in conjunction with proper watering and mowing practices, will significantly reduce the risk of disease-related damage to your lawn.


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Heartland Lawns™ of Omaha, Nebraska… Green Grass. At last!